Principal's Welcome

Welcome to the ECLC!

The Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC) at Hockanum School is home to the district’s early education programming for 3 and 4-year-olds. The ECLC provides state and federally funded programs including Head Start, School Readiness and Smart Start, while also providing early childhood special education to district preschoolers. There are 20 classrooms at the ECLC. 14 currently provide full day classes. There are 2 half day special education classrooms, offering both morning and afternoon sessions. 4 additional rooms offer the opportunity for special education students to learn alongside same age peers in an integrated classroom setting.

The early learning experience in East Hartford supports all students as they develop their academic skills with a focus on social and emotional development through hands on, play based experiences.

We accept applications year round for our funded programs and welcome new students into our program as slots open throughout the year.


Renee M. Byers
Early Childhood Learning Center at Hockanum School